Monday, March 14, 2011

pic Metal Detector

A metal detector is a device which responds to metal that may not be readily apparent.
The simplest form of a metal detector consists of an oscillator producing an alternating current that passes through a coil producing an alternating magnetic field. If a piece of electrically conductive metal is close to the coil, eddy currents will be induced in the metal, and this produces an alternating magnetic field of its own. If another coil is used to measure the magnetic field (acting as a magnetometer), the change in the magnetic field due to the metallic object can be detected.
metal-detector Video Clip

metal-detector circuit schematic

Metal-detector source code
 * picoDetector : an ultra simple and cheap metal detector
 * Author : Bruno Gavand, april 2009
 * see more details on
 * source code for mikroC PRO compiler V1.65
 * feel free to use this code at your own risks
 * target : PIC12, oscillator in HS mode, watchdog enabled
 * PIC PIN Assignemnt :
 * GP0 : detect LED indicator
 * GP1 : calibrate LED indicator
 * GP2 : NC
 * GP3 : NC
 * GP4, GP5 : inductor

#define MAXTRY 15       // number of watchdog restart to calibrate loop counter

unsigned char   ctr ;           // number of loops between two watchdog resets
unsigned char   previous ;      // previous value of ctr
unsigned char   calibr ;        // calibration value when oscillator runs free
unsigned char   restarts ;      // number of watchdog restarts
unsigned char   en ;            // enable flag, allows detection

 * main loop
void    main()
        unsigned char   i ;

         * configure GPIO as digital port
        CMCON0 = 7 ;
        ANSEL = 0 ;
        TRISIO = 0 ;
        GPIO = 0 ;

         * power up ?
                 * yes, init variables
                restarts = 0 ;
                calibr = 1 ;

         * watchdog reset counter
        if(restarts < 255) restarts++ ;

         * if counter differs too much from calibration value
        if((previous ^ ctr) > calibr)
                 * turn detect LED on
                GPIO.F0 = en ;

                 * if not on power up
                if(STATUS.NOT_TO == 0)
                         * while in calibration mode
                        if(restarts < MAXTRY)
                                 * shift calibration value
                                 * and wait a little bit
                                calibr <<= 1 ;
                                Delay_ms(5) ;
                         * turn detect LED off
                        GPIO.F0 = 0 ;

         * save last counter
        previous = ctr ;

         * is calibration over ?
        if(restarts > MAXTRY)
                 * yes, turn calibrate LED off
                 * and set enable flag
                GPIO.F1 = 0 ;
                en = 1 ;
                 * no, turn calibrate LED on
                 * and clear enable flag
                GPIO.F1 = 1 ;
                en = 0 ;

         * set watchdog prescaler
        OPTION_REG = 0b11111001 ;

         * start counter, to be interrupted by watchdog
        ctr = 0 ;
               ctr++ ;

1 comment:

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